
Full Time Teaching and Research Staff

Erol ÖZÇELİK, Prof. Dr.
Head of Department
Office: R-319
Phone: 2331451
Web: -
E-mail: ozcelik@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2008, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, 2002, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 1999, Turkey

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning, Human-Computer Interaction

Aslı GÖNCÜ KÖSE, Prof. Dr.
Office: FEF-R322
Phone: 2331455
Web: -
E-mail: agoncu@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2011, Turkey
Master: Koç University, 2006, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2004, Turkey

Research Interests:

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology

Hande KAYNAK ÇELİK, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Office: 323
Phone: 2331456
Web: -
E-mail: handek@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: METU, 2013,
Master: Hacettepe, 2007,
Bachelor: METU, 2004,

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology

Aslı Bahar İNAN, Dr. Instructor
Office: R303
Phone: 2331568
Web: -
E-mail: aslibahar@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, 2009, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, 2004, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, 2002, Turkey

Research Interests:

Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Control and Attention, Visual Perception, Autobiographical Memory, Numerosity Perception

Ceren GÜRDERE, Dr. Instructor
Office: R307
Phone: 2331452
Web: -
E-mail: cereng@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: University of Padova, IT,
Master: Ankara University, TR,
Bachelor: Bilkent University, TR,

Research Interests:

Clinical Psychology, Transdiagnostic Risk and Protective Factors

Aslı YALÇIN, Lecturer
Office: asliyalcin@cankaya.edu.tr
Phone: 2331454
Web: -
E-mail: asliyalcin@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2017, Turkey
Master: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2010, Turkey
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University, M.E.T.U. , 2006, Turkey

Research Interests:

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, Job Analysis, Personnel Selection, Work-Family Conflict, Attitudes at Work

Hasan Hüseyin SEÇİLMİŞ, Lecturer
Office: R-321
Phone: 2331560
Web: -
E-mail: hsecilmis@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, -,
Master: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, 2019,
Bachelor: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, 2016,

Research Interests:

Personality disorders, cyber psychology, internet gaming disorder, psychometry

Ece Sezen BAĞCI, Research Assistant
Office: R324
Phone: +90 312 233 14 19
Web: -
E-mail: sezenbagci@cankaya.edu.tr

Doctorate: -
Master: Middle East Technical University, -,
Bachelor: Middle East Technical University , 2022,

Research Interests:

Political psychology, intergroup relations, social identity theory, activism